Mogahed's Notes

N-Person Noncooperative Games

July 21, 2023


An n-person strategic game is a $2n+1$-tuple

$$G = (N,S_1,\dots,S_n,u_1,\dots,u_n)$$


Each player $i$ chooses his strategy $s_i$ simultaneously and independently from the strategy set $S_i$. Therefore a strategy profile or a situation $s = (s_1,\dots,s_n)$ is generated, where $s_i \in S_i$. Then, each player receives his payoff $u_i(s)$, whereupon the game ends.

Important Concepts

Best Reply

A best reply of player $i$ to the strategy combination $(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_{i+1},\dots,s_n)$ of other players is a strategy $s_i \in S_i$,

$$ u_i(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_i,s_{i+1,\dots,s_n}) \geq u_i(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_i',s_{i+1,\dots,s_n}) ~~\forall ~s_i'\in S_i $$

Nash Equilibrium

A Nash equilibrium is a strategy combination $(s_1^*,\dots,s_n^*) \in S$ such that for each player $i$, $s_i^*$ is a best reply to $(s_1^*,\dots,s_{i-1}^*,s_{i+1}^*,\dots,s_n^*)$


A strategy $s_i' \in S_i$ of player $i$ is strictly dominated by $s_i\in S_i$ if

$$u_i(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_i,s_{i+1},\dots,s_n) > u_i(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_i',s_{i+1},\dots,s_n)$$

For all $(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_{i+1},\dots,s_n) \in S_1\times \dots \times S_{i-1} \times S_{i+1} \times \dots \times S_n$; that is, for all strategy combinations of players other than $i$. Logically, a strictly dominated strategy is never used in a Nash equilibrium.

By replacing the condition in last inequality from a greater than to a greater than or equal, then the relationship between $u_i(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_i,s_{i+1},\dots,s_n)$ and $u_i(s_1,\dots,s_{i-1},s_i',s_{i+1},\dots,s_n)$ becomes a weak domination.